I'm guilty...
For being such a proud dog momma!!! So, I'm kind of obsessed with my dog, but I have a good reason...
For those of you that haven't meet ChiChi or heard her story, this little pup changed my world. ChiChi came into my life in 2013 as an inspiration and motivation to create new goals for my life and career. When ChiChi came to me she was barely a year old. Scared, tired, and going through her own personal struggles we gravitated towards each other for support. Trust was something that wasn't given out so easily. It took weeks for her to come to me and to get past that typical Chihuahua-shake, that appeared to be her only method of communication. I didn't know it at the time, but she was allowing me to grow, and to let love in again.
Fast-Forward to 4 years in the future and she carries a whole new presence. We both do! I like to think that we have our day to day unconditional love and support to thank for that.
ChiChi welcomes everyone with open arms and kisses (And watch out for those kisses because her ancestry may be of Mexican descent but all she knows is the French-kind of "kisses").
ChiChi is going to school to pursue her love for music, but her career path is limitless. Here are a few of ChiChi's favorite pastimes both present and future!
- Modeling
- Reading
- Taco Hunting
- Explorer
- Nun
- Running for president.
Who know's what the future will hold, but I'm excited to share with you these adventures! Have a great y'all, and DREAM BIG!
Oh, the places we'll go!